The director of the OAFI Foundation’s Patient Area, Mª Teresa Vergés, carries out a very important daily work of psychological support and active listening to all the Foundation’s partners and patients, as well as responding to hundreds of emails, since the attention has been multiplied in these difficult moments of the coronavirus pandemic.
It is very important for everyone and especially for patients with osteoarthritis and comorbid diseases, that they can be cared for and advised on how to deal with the situation and the importance of staying active and moving, since confinement makes mobility even more difficult for people with osteoarthritis who cannot walk or move a lot these days.
For this reason, in the OAFI radio TV program, we invited Mrs. María Ribas Siñol, Clinical Psychologist, specialized in psychological confrontation work in situations of maximum stress, who explained to us in a masterful way the symptoms that we may suffer during these last weeks , and what we can do to alleviate them and take care of ourselves, so that we have tools to remain healthy and psychologically positive.
Don’t miss it!
At OAFI, because of being the only International Foundation for Osteoarthritis Patients, we take care of members and patients by giving them a voice and support. Further down, reserving privacy rights, we have collected some attestations from our patients during these days of seclusion, which we believe can help us raise our mood:
Thank you very much for OAFI’s attention; when I went I was very depressed and thanks to them, for the first time after going through many doctors, I felt sheltered and understood.
T. K.
Thanks to the wisdom of Dr. Vergés, I avoided a prosthetic operation due to a bad diagnosis.
JM. G.
At this time of coronavirus, it is very much appreciated that OAFI calls his PATIENTS to see how we are doing. Thank you very much Mª Teresa.
M. G.
It is a great Foundation!
I wanted to stand out and thank you not only for your great professionalism, which is a lot, but also for your great humanity and kindness.
M. S.
Hello, my name is Mari, I am a volunteer for the OAFI Foundation. I consider myself very fortunate to be in this group of people who fight for them, but above all to do good to all those who have osteoarthritis and need us. I want to thank Dr. Vergés, who is fantastic, for all his dedication and always positive effort and with his special smile fighting for all of us who suffer from this disease and, of course, his nurse Mª Teresa; she is an angel fallen from heaven encouraging us as only she knows how to do; she’s always in the mood to comfort us. I am one of those who can help very little, I would like to be able to do more, but when I can do something I feel very satisfied. The volunteer group also gives everything; We are a very positive group and willing to allow all this effort to reach all those who need it.
C. F.
Good morning OAFI! I wanted to leave my sincere thanks to this International Foundation for Osteoarthritis!!! How good they make us feel knowing that they support us and understand our intense and daily pain. The extraordinary work of its founders, who are by our side whenever you need them, and eagerly awaiting that confinement is over to be able to spend a day on Calle Tuset to give my dear Mª Teresa a big hug; for those who do not know her, she is an angel! THANKS FOR EVERYTHING ??
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