Artro 360º Model

Proposal for a new, more humanized care model to advance in the treatment of osteoarticular health

The Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI) with the methodological support of the Spanish Society for Healthcare Quality (SECA) and together with the AECOSAR Association, have developed a new health management model that we have called ARTRO 360. The model is based on the Model of Care (MoC), a framework of evidence and informed consultation that describes what and how health and related services should be provided to people based on their health needs, always taking into account the patient’s vision.

The model has been developed taking into account three main areas:

  1. Active role of the patient and patient organizations
  2. Optimize available resources
  3. Multidisciplinary approach to take into account all the agents involved in the care process to work in coordination: patients, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, managers, caregivers, family…

Therefore, the proposal of the ARTRO 360 model implies:

  • Promote the participation of patients and professionals in health policies, research and management model.
  • Encourage patient participation in their health care and in decision-making that affects them.
  • Reduce waiting time for diagnosis.
  • Facilitate access to optimal and endorsed pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment to improve the living conditions of patients.
  • Take into account comorbidities, and possible interactions and adverse effects of drug treatment

Raise awareness among administrations and public opinion of the relevant role of patient organizations, as an active resource, which complements the portfolio of services, strengthens professionals and produces significant financial savings.

Presentación en Madrid del Modelo Artro 360º

With this program, it will be possible to reduce the cost of osteoarthritis disease by around 100 million euros, also improving the quality of care for our patients. But a coordinated action of the health authorities, scientific and professional societies, patient organizations is essential; as well as the other agents involved.

Currently the following organizations have reviewed and ratified the model:

Sociedad Española (SE) de Médicos de Atención Primaria-SEMERGEN
SE Médicos Generales y de Familia-SEMG
SE de Medicina Familia y Comunitaria-SEMFyC
SE de Traumatología del Deporte-SETRADE
SE de Reumatología-SER
SE de Farmacia Familiar y Comunitaria-SEFAC
SE Multidisciplinar del Dolor-SEMDOR
SE de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología-SECOT
SE de Investigación Ósea y del Metabolismo Mineral-SEIOMM
SE de Atención al Usuario de la Sanidad-SEAUS
Registro Nacional de Fracturas de Cadera-RNFC
Escuela Enfermería de la Universidad de Barcelona
Departamento de Farmacología de la UB
Sociedad de Investigación Biomédica-SCIB
Federación de Asociaciones de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria (FAECAP)

Presented ARTRO 360, as a new multidisciplinary management model in the treatment of osteoarthritis in the Senate, at this time, it is being disseminated to the health departments of the different Autonomous Communities.

Presentación en El Senado del Modelo Artro 360º

If you want to know more about the model, don’t miss our YouTube videos for this purpose:

Presentation of the ARTRO 360 model in Madrid, December 13, 2022

Presentation of the ARTRO 360 model at #OAFICONGRESS22, October 27, 2022

Presentation of the ARTRO 360 model on #OAFIRadio, December 5, 2022

Do you want to be part of the ARTRO360 model? This initiative is open to the incorporation of new medical entities