OAFI Space

Adapting spaces to people

What is OAFI Space?

The OAFI Foundation presents the OAFI SPACE program, formed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals, to adapt spaces to people and not people to spaces.

The program’s main mission is:

– Reconfigure spaces according to the activities and needs of people with reduced mobility –
Serve the population to meet their space needs, improve their quality of life and take care of their joint health –
– Increase the quality and safety of the spaces in which we live and work –

Espacios para las personas
OAFI Space

Why OAFI Space?

In Spain, 1 in 4 people over the age of 20 suffer from a rheumatic pathology.

These diseases remain unknown to the population, which means that prevention and treatment are carried out late.

90% of our time is spent indoors.

In 2030, 35% of the Spanish population will be over 65 years of age, a value that will increase to 50% by 2050.

The demographic aging that society is facing makes new measures necessary to ensure an optimal quality of life for the aging population.

Millions of patients
with osteoarthritis in Spain
Fragility fractures
only in 2019
of our time
is spent indoors
0 %
¿A qué espacios está destinado?


Private homes



Senior Co-living

Senior centers

The different facilities are analyzed based on those factors that influence joint health, taking into account the activities carried out by the person from the moment they get up until they go to bed.

OAFI SPACE Certification Seals

Sello Standard


Sello Intermediate


Sello Excellence


The OAFI Space team
Dr. Josep Vergés

Dr. Josep Vergés

OAFI President and CEO

Manel Santiñà

Dr. Manel Santiñà

Doctor in medicine
Expert in Quality of Care and Patient Safety

Queralt Garriga

Queralt Garriga

Architect, researcher

Francesc Camps

Francesc Camps


Nina Martínez

Nina Martínez

OAFI R&D Manager