Tag Calidad de Vida

18 Oct

Artrosi, osteoporosi i sarcopènia

Article de Marina Geli, Metgessa i ex-Consellera de Salut La vida, en moltes ocasions, crea espais de trobada inesperats. Jo visc a Sant Gregori, municipi pròxim a Girona en un dels quatre que integren la Vall de Llémena. Sant Aniol de Finestres (Sant Esteve de Llémena és un poble del municipi), Sant Martí de Llémena, Canet […]


4 Oct

Total success at the online Nutrition Workshop

The Nutrition Workshop, which on this occasion took place in ONLINE format, was directed as always by the Dra. Laura Arranz, a prestigious dietician-nutritionist with extensive experience in pain management, weight control and specialist in anti-inflammatory diets. ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIET What is the anti-inflammatory diet? What foods can help us feel better and reduce pain? How […]


27 Sep

Sello OAFI a la Residencia para Mayores Ballesol Santa Cruz de Tenerife

Santa Cruz de Tenerife, 26 de septiembre de 2024 Este miércoles 25 de septiembre, la Osteoarthritis Foundation International (OAFI), bajo la iniciativa OAFI Space, un programa inédito a nivel nacional e internacional, fruto de la I+D de OAFI, que observa, revisa y certifica espacios en función de su adaptabilidad a la salud articular, ha acreditado […]


18 Sep

Physiological resolution of inflammation

Inflammation is a physiological process of the organism, defensive and necessary, which occurs in the face of very diverse aggressions, being crucial for the defence and repair of tissue. It really is a frequent situation and at practically all times we have some inflammatory process, often imperceptible, which responds to a specific cause with the […]


17 Sep

World Osteoarthritis Day: More than 595 million people are already affected worldwide

On the occasion of World Osteoarthritis Day, OAFI reinforces its commitment to the fight against this disease, which affects more than 595 million people globally, including more than 7 million in Spain. OAFI FOUNDATION: OUR COMMITMENT TO OSTEOARTHRITIS AND OSTEOPOROSIS PATIENTS Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease and represents the second leading cause of […]


3 Sep

Magnetotherapy: new horizons in joint health

Osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people globally, and in Spain alone, more than 7 million. Despite its widespread prevalence, it is still a disease for which therapeutic options remain limited. This lack of effective tools in the treatment of the disease is a source of frustration for the patient, who is faced with a […]


1 Aug

GOAPPS: the Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey

The OA Patients Force, led by OAFI, has launched the “Global Osteoarthritis Patient Perception Survey” ARTHROSIS AND GOAPPS Worldwide, osteoarthritis affects more than 595 million people, and this figure is expected to double in the next three decades. Understanding patients’ needs and views is essential to make future care and treatment options more effective. To this […]


3 Jul

CIM PROJECT and OAFI: Unstoppable Team !

CIM Project and the OAFI Foundation sign a collaboration agreement to promote the prevention, treatment and improvement of the quality of life of people with osteoarticular problems, especially fibromyalgia. A spectacular project with an unstoppable team CIM PROJECT is a non-profit organisation driven by club monitors, sports technicians of mountain activities, professionals of physical activity […]


21 Jun


As of this week, OAFI and Arnaiz have set to work to create a technical team and start implementing the project OAFI SPACE, working together in the creation and development of spaces adapted to the needs of people with rheumatic pathologies, such as Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis or Sarcopenia. The start of this new collaboration was formalised, […]


19 Jun

A Journey of Hope: The Tale of OAFI’s Osteoarthritis Odyssey

Once upon a time, in healthcare, there was an odyssey, a silent struggle, a battle fought not with swords and shields, but with courage, resilience and unwavering determination. It was the story of the Osteoartritis (OA), an implacable adversary that haunted the lives of millions and cast shadows of pain and despair across the country. […]