OAFI Sport (Veterans)

OAFI Sport (Veterans)

OAFI Sport (Veterans)

According to a study published in 2011 by the official journal of the American College of Rheumatology, Arthritis and Rheumatism, professional sportspeople are at risk of developing osteoarthritis at early ages:

of weightlifters
0 %
of elite footballers
0 %
of runners
0 %
of amateur football players
0 %

This is due to the overuse of those joints which are most exposed to injuries.

Recently, a study conducted with retired professional football players entitled “Prevalence of knee pain, radiographic osteoarthritis and arthroplasty in retired professional footballers compared with men in the general population: across-sectional study” published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, November 3, 2017, found that retired professional football players have twice the risk of suffering osteoarthritis compared to the general population. The study comparing more than 1,000 ex-football players with 4,000 men of the same age range shows that retired football players have twice as much knee pain, a higher prevalence of radiological osteoarthritis and three times more surgery for knee replacement by prosthesis.

Moreover, professional football players have a high injury rate, of which 17% involve the knee.

Knee osteoarthritis is a common complex disorder with multiple risk factors including injuries.

Therefore, it is necessary to better manage risk factors through training, early treatment and appropriate rehabilitation to reduce the risk of osteoarthritis.

OAFI SPORT VETERANS program helps retired professional sportspeople to make the transition from professional sports to an active life with healthy joints and without pain.

A set of educational materials have been elaborated by the OAFI experts team to provide knowledge and advice on how to lose weight, do exercise to improve joint health and how to cope with this pathology to improve the quality of life of retired professional players suffering from osteoarthritis.

If you are interested in this initiative, we encourage you to contact us by writing an email to: info@oafifoundation.com.

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