Health dimension of aging with osteoarthritis: challenges and measures

Dimensión sanitaria del envejecimiento con artrosis: retos y medidas

Health dimension of aging with osteoarthritis: challenges and measures

Dimensión sanitaria del envejecimiento con artrosis: retos y medidas
The goal of the second meeting

Analyze the health situation in relation to the progressive aging of the Spanish population and its consequences, identify the present and future challenges that must be faced, and propose measures that allow for an effective and sustainable solution.

Key points covered

– Health education and osteoarthritis: prevention and promotion of healthy lifestyle habits –
– Pharmacological treatments: SYSADOAs and analgesics, their use in appropriate indications –
– Osteoarthritis and Comorbidity: risks and vigilance in the face of polypharmacy –

Relive the full meeting here:
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