La Obra Social La Caixa and OAFI disseminate how to improve joint health through a programme of conferences.

Dr. Josep Vergés explaining the objectives of OAFI at the Esplai Bonanova Centre of la Obra Social la Caixa.
In just two weeks, more than 200 people have already participated in the programme “Let’s talk about Joint Health” (“Hablemos de Salud Articular”), where Dr. Josep Vergés explains in the centres belonging to la Obra Social La Caixa, how osteoarthritis is generated and develops and how we can improve our quality of life with non-pharmacological measures.
The aim of this programme, which is being carried out in 25 centres in various Catalan cities through conferences (Barcelona, Girona, Reus, Vilanova, Amposta, Caldes de Malavella, Lleida and La Seu d’Urgell), is to disseminate the information and answer questions about joint health and to train the patients so that they can train other patients. In other words, in this first phase, a group of osteoarthritis patients are selected to attend some specific sessions that will enable them to become expert patients. In this way, they themselves will have an in-depth knowledge of how to cop with osteoarthritis and they will be able to advise other patients on how to improve their condition.
Would you also like to attend these conferences and participate in this programme? Come on! We look foward to seeing you!
Consult the complete calendar of conferences and find out which centre is closest to you. To attend, just send us an email with your name and the centre where you want to participate:
Bruc, Esplai | c/ Bruc, 72 | Barcelona | 14/12/16 | 17:00 |
Bellvitge – Hospitalet de Llobregat, Esplai | C/ Prado, 21 – 29 | L’Hospitalet de Llobregat | 15/12/16 | 16.30 |
Bonanova – BCN, Esplai | C/ Muntaner, 441 baixos | Barcelona | 16/12/16 | 16:30 |
Calella, Esplai | C/ Anselm Clavé, 46 – 48 | Calella | 11/1/17 | 16:30 |
Reus, Esplai | AV Sant Jordi, 2 -4 | Reus | 12/1/17 | 16:30 |
Sant Lluís – BCN, Esplai | C/ Sant LLuís, 80 – 82 Pb. i Alt | Barcelona | 18/1/17 | 16:30 |
Vilanova i la Geltrú, Esplai | C/ Cuba, 8 -10 | Vilanova i la Geltrú | 19/1/17 | 16:30 |
Sagrada Família – BCN, EspaiCaixa | C/ Nàpols, 257 PB A | Barcelona | 20/1/17 | 16:30 |
Viladecans, Esplai | C/ Llevat, 2 C | Viladecans | 25/1/17 | 16:30 |
Amposta, Esplai | AV Santa Barbàra, 53-59 | Amposta | 26/1/17 | 17:00 |
La Seu d’Urgell, Esplai | PZ Pati del Palau, S/N | La Seu d’Urgell | 1/2/17 | 17:00 |
Sanllehí – Barcelona, Esplai | CL Vallseca, 2 | Barcelona | 2/2/17 | 16:30 |
Balàfia – Lleida, Esplai | CL Alcalde Porqueres, 80 | Lleida | 8/2/17 | 17:30 |
La Bisbal, Esplai | AV de les Voltes, 13 1R 1A | La Bisbal d’Empordà | 9/2/17 | 16:30 |
Granollers, Esplai | CL Joan Camp, 1 | Granollers | 15/2/17 | 17:00 |
Avinguda de Sabadell, Esplai | C/ Miquel Servet, 8 | Sabadell | 16/2/17 | 16:30 |
Mollet del Vallés, Esplai | CL Burgos, 50 – 52 BXS | Mollet del Vallès | 17/2/17 | 17:00 |
Caldes de Malavella, Esplai | C/ Sant Antoni, 8 | Caldes de Malavella | 22/2/17 | 17:00 |
Espai Caixa Girona | Plaça Poeta Marquina, 11 | Girona | 23/2/17 | 18:00 |
Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Esplai | Rambla del Fondo, 27 – 29 PB | Santa Coloma de Gramenet | 24/2/17 | 16:00 |
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