Find Out The Results of The Study on Quality of Life of Patients with Osteoarthritis in Spain (CAVIPA)

Conoce los resultados del estudio de calidad de vida de los pacientes con artrosis en españa (CAVIPA)

The CAVIPA study (Quality of Life of Patients with Osteoarthritis) is the first national survey to assess the perception of the quality of life of patients with osteoarthritis to be carried out in Spain. Despite being one of the most widespread and disabling chronic diseases (500 million people suffer from it worldwide), it is also one of the most neglected, leading to little attention and help for affected patients.

It is for this reason that the CAVIPA study focuses on quality of life, as it is a powerful indicator to consider when implementing and evaluating osteoarthritis treatment programs, considering some of the core domains and associated factors. 

The results of this initiative, promoted by OAFI, came to light last October 2021, which were shared with the attendees of the 5th International Congress of Patients with Osteoarthritis, held at the AXA Auditorium in Barcelona, in a presentation given by Dr. Manel Santiñà, Past President of the Spanish Society for Quality of Care (SECA).

These are the most outstanding results of the CAVIPA study:

• The average time to diagnosis of the disease is 3.12 years. The longer the delay, the worse the patients’ health is rated and the higher the cost of the disease.

• 94.33% of patients suffer from at least one comorbidity. The most prevalent are depression and anxiety (37.98%).

• Between 30% and 40% of the patients have implemented hygienic dietary measures. However, of this percentage, 78.8% have not noticed any improvement, which could be due to lack of time and the high burden on the health system to follow up these measures.

• 56.62% suffer limitations in their daily activities and 33% have had to take sick leave. The more limitations patients suffer, the worse their perception of health, quality of life and satisfaction with treatment.

• The first word that comes to most patients’ minds when they think of osteoarthritis is “PAIN”.

• Information and treatments are the most requested needs

• Most patients perceive their health (47.60%) and quality of life (39.98%) as fair. 

In addition, thanks to this study, the following conclusions have been obtained:

• Osteoarthritis is a gendered disease, as it is more prevalent in women, increases with age and is one of the major causes of pain and disability.

• It has a major impact on people’s lives.

• Patients feel they need more information, understanding and treatment.

• The pressure of the healthcare system and lack of time make it difficult to monitor the disease.

• There is a need to improve quality of life by empowering patients in the management of their disease and taking into account their experience and opinions.

• Further analysis would allow the design of personalized strategies for the treatment of osteoarthritis.

• Patients associations can provide the additional support and care that the patient demands and that the health care system cannot cover, improving the organization of care.

If you want to know more about the study and its results, do not hesitate to visit Dr. Manel Santiñà’s lecture on our YouTube channel:

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